Dr. Eshani Karu’s Blog
Miami Schools and the Covid-19 Dilemma
Well Miami we are now into the month of September 2020. I do not know about you Miami, but September has always been a month of the beginning of new beginnings in Miami. Students go back to Miami schools, including elementary, Miami Junior and Miamu...
Miami It’s Time to Eat Our Veggies
Fruits & Vegetables Miami we’ve talked a great deal on wearing our beautiful face masks and extensive time about our hands and Miami sanitizers, but maybe it’s the moment to discuss our Miami diets and to be present in our thinking about remembering to eat well...
Miami Your Face Mask is You Best Defense
Miami you know it, everyone is saying it, but Miami it is time to hear it again that wearing your face masks when you are out and about in Miami and using hand sanitizer or washing your hands after touching surfaces when out and about allows us all to walk the streets...
Miami It’s Time to See Your Doctor
Miami Skyline Too many Miami patients are not coming into the doctor’s officec in the city of Miami for fear of dying from the Coronavirus. My friends in Miami this is not the way to take care of yourselves in this day and age. Miami doctors have created a very safe...
Is Miami Thinking of Suicide?
Flower It’s something that Miami has been asking itself about since the beginning of the pandemic. Are more Miami Citizens going to be thinking about suicide? Miami Individuals and Miami families are in many cases very fearful of death from the...
Expectation in Miami Doctors Offices August 2020
Beautiful Female Doctor Over and over again as a primary care physician in Miami, while we are in the midst of the COV-ID 19 crisis, tell me if you are not struck in Miami by how all encompassing this crisis is for you, your family and your patients. Tell me...
Are We Going to Wear A Mask Miami Beach?
Man Wearing Mask with Gloved Message on Palm, "Stop Covid-19" For all those people of Miami Beach, California and other parts of the United States on July 11, 2020 Donald Trump President of the United States was seen in public wearing a mask during a visit with U.S....
America’s Immigrant Teenagers: Embrace Your Differences
Embrace Your Differences Although I am of Southeast Asian descent, having been born in Sri Lanka, I emigrated to the United States at an early age. Emigrating early to the U.S. and having been brought up in an English speaking household, I had few difficulties...
Volunteering on a Busy Schedule
While some people may have the intention to participate in volunteering, finding the time to do so poses a problem. It can be even difficult for one to find time for themselves with the on-slot of long work hours, household responsibilities, college life, or even...
Donating on a Budget
When you think about donating to charity and what it means, what comes to mind? For most people, the answer is donating money. For this reason alone, many who lack disposable income or utilize a budget feel that they are incapable of donating to charity. However, the...