by Eshani Karu, MD | Sep 20, 2020 | Uncategorized
Girl Wearing Covid-19 Mask This past weekend many of my Miami Jewish friends observed the start of their High Holidays, specifically their New Year in Miami. They begin the observance with a Miami blessing over the fruits of the vine and the fruits of the earth...
by Eshani Karu, MD | Sep 13, 2020 | Uncategorized
Growing up I used to hear the Miami expression, as it related to going shopping that Miami men were hunters and Miami women shoppers. Men headed into a store with one or two items on their Miami mind and they would seek it, find it, buy it and leave the Miami...
by Eshani Karu, MD | Sep 4, 2020 | Uncategorized
Well Miami we are now into the month of September 2020. I do not know about you Miami, but September has always been a month of the beginning of new beginnings in Miami. Students go back to Miami schools, including elementary, Miami Junior and Miamu...
by Eshani Karu, MD | Aug 22, 2020 | Uncategorized
Fruits & Vegetables Miami we’ve talked a great deal on wearing our beautiful face masks and extensive time about our hands and Miami sanitizers, but maybe it’s the moment to discuss our Miami diets and to be present in our thinking about remembering to eat well...
by Eshani Karu, MD | Aug 16, 2020 | Uncategorized
Miami you know it, everyone is saying it, but Miami it is time to hear it again that wearing your face masks when you are out and about in Miami and using hand sanitizer or washing your hands after touching surfaces when out and about allows us all to walk the streets...
by Eshani Karu, MD | Aug 9, 2020 | Uncategorized
Miami Skyline Too many Miami patients are not coming into the doctor’s officec in the city of Miami for fear of dying from the Coronavirus. My friends in Miami this is not the way to take care of yourselves in this day and age. Miami doctors have created a very safe...